Acupuncture & Bodywork Treatments


Acupuncture treatments include the optional use of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) modalities of Fire Cupping, Moxibustion, Gua Sha and Tui Na (massage & acupressure)

what is acupuncture?

(針灸 :: zhen jiu :: acupuncture and moxibustion)

Acupuncture (針, zhen) uses tiny, disposable stainless steel needles to stimulate the flow of Qi and Blood throughout the Meridians of the body. Modern anatomical science sees it as stimulating the fascia (a fluid matrix of connective tissue, linking all tissues in the body) and directly down-regulating the nervous system into a parasympathetic state. Regulating the Qi, Blood, Yin, Yang, Fascia and Nervous System has an incredible ripple effect of stimulating healing throughout the whole body, and the mind too. Acupuncture also stimulates the body to release endorphins, our body’s own pain-relieving system, which cascades relief of many pain conditions. These are just where some of the benefits of acupuncture begin.

Acupuncture can help with: acute and chronic pain, digestive disturbances, menstrual discomfort and irregularity, reproductive health, fertility, skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, acne), blood pressure, headache, heatstroke, mental health conditions of all kinds, addiction recovery, physical and emotional trauma, convalescence, and is supportive to concurrent treatment with Western medicine. Acupuncture is a beautiful example of a complementary medicine that can be used harmoniously alongside other therapies, and is not meant to be a replacement for emergency medicine.

tcm bodywork & supportive therapies

Instead of, or in addition to needling, we can use a combination of gentle & strong acupressure, massage, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha (the rubbing of a smooth jade stone to stimulate qi and bloodflow) and energy work (reiki, qi gong) to support you where you are at. These modalities are available in addition or as an alternative to needling.

Moxibustion (灸, jiu) is the burning of the herb Mugwort (artemisia vulgaris/ai ye) to stimulate warmth and circulation through infrared heat to acupuncture points, and infuse the medicinal properties of this powerful herb through its smoke. It is used to warm and clear the channels of stagnant Qi.

Cupping or Fire Cupping is the use of specialized glass cups to induce suction & bloodflow to specific areas on the body, mainly on the back. It’s sometimes called a “reverse massage” - it creates a negative pressure between the cup and the skin, allowing for fluid to move through fascia, the matrix connecting all of our muscles together. Its function is to move stagnant Qi and Blood, which become stagnated due to injuries, holding patterns and other various ailments. Cupping is also used to release heat and toxins from the exterior layer of the body (known as the Wei or protective layer) and can be helpful for acute cold/flu symptoms, or just before a cold is coming on, by stimulating an immune system response. It’s common to have red/purple spots for a few days where the cups were placed.

Massage (Tui Na and Acupressure) is also available on its own or in combination with Acupuncture & other auxiliary TCM modalities. Tui Na means Pushing and Pulling, and implies a system of traditional techniques used to relieve pain and stimulate harmonious Qi and Blood flow throughout the body. Acupressure is the stimulation of Acu-Points through the use of manual pressure.

Shi Liao is the TCM branch of Nutritional Therapy and is an elegant system of approaching foods as medicine. Foods, as well as herbs, are divided into energetic categories: hot/cold, warm/cool, dampening/drying, yin/yang etc. Which foods are best suited for you are unique to your body, your energy, your constitution. Together in a compassionate way we can find ways to support your daily routine with foods that nourish your most vibrant alignment.

pregnancy, labour and postpartum support

I love to offer support to people on their journey into becoming parents. Cervical Ripening treatments are offered at 26+ weeks and Labour Induction treatments are offered, as well as supportive postpartum care with moxibustion. It is my pleasure and honour to offer safe acupuncture treatments throughout the pregnancy. Acupuncture can be helpful for nausea, vertigo, heartburn, body aches, and mental health support among anything else that may come up during the pregnancy. These treatments are ideally done in the Community clinic, where we have access to warm recliner chairs that are adjustable for comfort as the body changes.

Community Acupuncture

Community acupuncture treatments are available on a Sliding scale, $40-60.

Community treatments involve acupuncture points on the arms, legs, head and ears. The Qi of our bodily meridians concentrates at the hands and feet, allowing us to use distal points to influence deeper tissues. Commonly we treat pain, insomnia, menstrual irregularities, digestive troubles, anxiety, depression, addiction, and various chronic and acute conditions. Prices are lower to encourage regular treatment, which is necessary for the resolution of long-standing conditions. MSP coverage is available ($23/10 visits if eligible.)

Stay tuned for updates about Community Acupuncture offerings.