Self-Care with the Five Elements

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Join Zoë Larigakis R.Ac, BSc, RYT for five monthly Elementally, Astrologically and Seasonally attuned workshops starting with the Water Element on Sunday Janurary 22, 2023 at 7:30 PM PST. Workshops will be on Zoom and recorded. These workshops are for all bodies and genders.

The following workshops will be: Wood Element on Sunday February 19 (Pisces New Moon), the Fire Element on Wednesday March 22 (Aries New Moon), the Earth Element on Wednesday April 19 (Aries/Taurus New Moon)*, and the Metal Element on Sunday May 20 (Taurus/Gemini New Moon).**


We will gather around the New Moons of these coming five months, beginning with the Water Element on Sunday January 22 (Aquarius New Moon), the element of Winter time, the Kidney and Bladder organs, and connect with a variety of self-care practices curated to guide you deeper into connection with your mind, body, spirit, the earth and the universe. We give thanks and honour the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine for this beautiful philosophy that honours the rhythms and cycles of the Earth and cosmos. We will tune in together with meditation and visualization, practice some grounding Qi Gong, and receive tools, guidance and wisdom on how to tune into each element & each season. Receive local foraging and plant medicine guidance, as well as recipes and guidelines for nourishing the body in each season. A handout will be given with each class.

Following the Water Element in the Sheng (Creation) Cycle is the Wood Element on Sunday February 19 (Pisces New Moon), the Fire Element on Wednesday March 22 (Aries New Moon), the Earth Element on Wednesday April 19 (Aries/Taurus New Moon), and the Metal Element on Sunday May 21 (Taurus/Gemini New Moon). We will discuss planetary and astrological alignments with the Lunar calendar, make connections between seasonal shifts and the TCM approach to the year, discuss the Lunar new year, as well as acknowledge ancestral pagan holidays such as Imbolc and the Spring Equinox.

These practices and knowledge help guide us to rememeber our essential belonging to our cosmic and earthly home, and ground us into our body by connecting to our organs, our meridian system, energy centres and the elements within us. These simple and powerful practices and tools can invoke powerful shifts in our personal healing, simply by paying closer attention to ourselves and our surroundings. Space will be offered at the end for questions and relevant sharing.

If you’ve been curious about the Taoist/Chinese Medicine Five Element system and how to incorporate this wisdom system into your life in a grounded and embodied way, and are calling in some deeply nourishing self-care, this is for you.

These will be held at 7:30 PM Pacific Time on Zoom and recorded. Recording will take place with gradtitude on traditional unceded Hum’ul’quminum and SENCOTEN territory.

*there are technically 2 New Moons in Aries this year. On Wednesday April 19, the Moon sign shifts from Αries to Taurus at 9:30 PM PST. We will be acknowledging and working with this transition from Aries to Taurus.

** The New Moon on Friday May 19 moves into Gemini at 11:48 Am. Although the New Moon on this date is in Taurus at 8:53 AM, at the hour of our workshop on Sunday the 21st, the Moon will be in Gemini. We will be acknowledging and working with the shift from Taurus to Gemini.